Webinarium 'Using Songs and Chants With Young Learners of English’ 27 V 2021

Serdecznie zapraszamy studentów kierunku Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna do udziału w webinarium :
’Using Songs and Chants With Young Learners of English’ with EL Specialist Dr. Joan Kang Shin!

Date: May 27, 2021

Time: 16:00 – 17:00

Please use the following link to register:

This webinar will present five tips for using songs and chants to teach young learners English. You will sing and chant along with Dr. Shin while learning new activities that will help your young learners practice pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and communication in English.

Take a break and come sing along with Dr. Shin!

Facebook event :

Please share this invitation with your friends and students.

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